Sunday, November 2, 2008


Nerd Herd

Erin, Catherine, Roni, Tiana, Rebecca, and Michelle

Halloween this year was awesome! For work I was one of the Halloween Costume Contest Judges so I dressed up like Judge Judy. I had a wig and everything. Then I went to my apartment and my roommates and I dressed up like Cute Nerds. We were all part of the Nerd Herd. We were pretty cute if I say so myself. Catherine and I took a dozen pictures of us. We all went to the "Haunted" Straw maze with some of our friends. It was pretty scary. Our group got separated in the middle of it and Erin and I got our picture taken with a scary dude on stilts.

Bailey and me; Erin, Creepy stilts guy, me; Catherine and me

We went back to our apartment and Jason thought it was pretty funny to scary me. I was so mad! We all frosted sugar cookies and goofed around. It was the best Halloween ever! Lets just say we might be "nerds" again!

Me, Jason's tie, and Jason at the Straw maze; Catherine and I being "nerds"

This photo is bacause my mom demanded I have a Judge Judy shot up


maromom said...

Thanks. It is nice to know I can still boss you around. I'll bet Judge Judy's mom can't boss her around!

Anonymous said...

Ha ha, Ky and I are laughing at your Judge Judy costume. Is that wig out of the dress ups?


Melanie said...

I didn't know you had a blog! I love your nerd costumes - so cute!